ML609068737 AVoCet 7346
- 年齡
- 未確定
- 性別
- 未確定
- 聲音
- 叫聲
- 回播
- 未使用回播
Recording time: 1425. Elevation (m): 1400. Habitat: open montane forest in Rafflesia Centre lot . Weather: cool, overcast. Sound type description: could be song. Confidence in ID: 100%. ID determined by: seen well. Age: adults. Age determined by: plumage. Sex: both. Sex determined by: plumage. Group size: small flock. Description of behavior: perched in top of tree . Additional notes: high-pass filter, some wind noise edited out .
- 錄音機
- 麥克風
- 配件
- 原始檔案大小
- 616.15 KB