ML609068412 AVoCet 7087
- 年齡
- 未確定
- 性別
- 未確定
- 聲音
- 叫聲
- 回播
- 未使用回播
Recording time: 1349. Position of sun: full. Elevation (m): 1400. Habitat: small opening in montane forest with plantings, buildings. Weather: cool, overcast, about to rain. Confidence in ID: 100%. ID determined by: seen well; no vocal references available for this taxon but very like XC 20487 of C. cochinchinensis. Age: adult. Age determined by: plumage. Sex: female. Sex determined by: plumage; all green with black face. Group size: several around. Description of behavior: foraging in mid-storey. Additional notes: high-pass filter.
- 錄音機
- 麥克風
- 配件
- 原始檔案大小
- 4.16 MB