- 年齡
- 未確定
- 性別
- 未確定
I originally meant to mark this as either/or not hybrid, but am leaving it because I'm not sure how to place it. Not much white spotting on wings suggests interior Hairy. The beak looks as long as a Hairy's to me, the coffee coloring on the chest could suggest immature, but not sure what to do with the prominent dark spots on white tail feathers. Would an immature Hairy ever have tail spots that distinct? There do appear to be cases of hybridization: https://www.westernfieldornithologists.org/archive/V46/46(1)-p002-p007.pdf. There are also subspecies of Hairy with spotted tails (such a Queen Charlotte), but this one lacks any other features of that subspecies. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/e07d/c8ea1232ff9bb3885382fdd9d3ef6c8a6b6c.pdf
- 型號
- NIKON D3400
- 鏡頭
- 70.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-6.3
- 500
- 焦距
- 300 mm
- 閃光
- Flash did not fire, auto
- 光圈值
- f/6.3
- 快門
- 1/1000 sec
- 次方
- 2969 pixels x 1979 pixels
- 原始檔案大小
- 4.8 MB