ML205933991 IBC 956321
- 年齡
- 未確定
- 性別
- 未確定
A breeding pair of birds. A breeding pair, the female at the entrance of the nest and the male displaying close by. This pair has succesfully raised many chicks. Elevation: 322 m. Date added to IBC: June 21, 2016.
國際鳥類典藏 (IBC, Internet Bird Collection)
- 型號
- Canon EOS-1D Mark III
- 400
- 焦距
- 400 mm
- 閃光
- Flash did not fire
- 光圈值
- f/16.0
- 快門
- 1/125 sec
- 次方
- 640 pixels x 417 pixels
- 原始檔案大小
- 86.24 KB