- 年齡
- 未確定
- 性別
- 未確定
Taken by one of my guests.
Dark-headed small gull. Bigger than the terns which were trying to see it off. Flew around the bay a few times. First time I saw it from the Zodiac but not very well which was very frustrating. Then it came around a few times while I was on the beach past the weather observation hut. Light grey upper parts, white tail, white tip to the wings which had black as well.
- 型號
- Canon EOS-1D X
- 鏡頭
- EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM
- 500
- 焦距
- 400 mm
- 閃光
- Flash did not fire, auto
- 光圈值
- f/5.6
- 快門
- 1/2000 sec
- 次方
- 3386 pixels x 2257 pixels
- 原始檔案大小
- 313.9 KB