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Edit: Review by Caitlin Chock determined this should be identified as "vireo sp." Their entire comment - "The documentation you have provided shows a vireo species, but I don’t feel confident offering a specific ID from the photo provided. I think using color here is not very reliable as photo artifacts from lighting can change colors quite a bit. There are two vireos that occur on the island which have dark caps and are possible at this date, either the Red-eyed Vireo or the Yucatan Vireo. A Rufous-browed Peppershrike would be exceptional (there are no documented occurrences on the Bay Islands), but it is in the video family so not too far off for the ID. I would recommend changing the sighting to “vireo sp.” to be on the safe side." As recommended, I have changed the identification to "vireo sp." Original: Only one photo, lots of fill light and little fill light shown in the two attached photos. I posted this to Facebook "What's this Bird? - American Birding Association (ABA)" and received the following response from Daniel Lane on 30 Nov 2024: "I'm getting a peppershrike vibe. Are the legs pink? They look pink here. That eliminates anything in genus Vireo." I deduced it was a Rufous-browed Peppershrike based on darker cap, lighter band across eyes, darker back and lighter below, feather sticking out halfway between legs and tail, and compatible tail shape.
Технічна інформація
- Модель
- NIKON D5300
- 1100
- Фокусна відстань
- 240 mm
- Спалах
- Flash did not fire
- f-stop
- f/7.1
- Витримка
- 1/320 sec
- Розміри
- 1163 pixels x 775 pixels
- Розмір вихідного файлу
- 305.04 KB