Joshua Vandermeulen Медіа від цього автора Профіль
CP Song’s hides
Sabah, Malaysia
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Деталі спостереження
Male at main hide 6:17 - 6:22, female 6:47 - 6:52, likely the same female 9:50 - 10:11. The male was also heard vocalizing intermittently (once every 5-10 mins or so) from down in the valley. Later, presumably a different male heard upslope from CP Song’s new hide (can’t confirm if it was different). At 13:25 one female and one immature male wandered by the new hide; these two were different individuals and far more skittish. They were seen on occasion over the subsequent minutes
Технічна інформація
- Модель
- NIKON D7500
- 2500
- Фокусна відстань
- 500 mm
- Спалах
- Flash did not fire
- f-stop
- f/5.6
- Витримка
- 0.01 sec
- Розміри
- 1500 pixels x 1114 pixels
- Розмір вихідного файлу
- 1.04 MB