Bill Eisele Медіа від цього автора
Llano Grande Golf Course (check in at clubhouse)
Hidalgo, Texas, United States
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Деталі спостереження
*rare. Continuing. Here when I pulled up into the clubhouse parking lot, 26.137216,-97.934197 - stayed in general area (Hole #6 Fairway). Great bins/scope views of the bird's long, curved, pink wing spurs when the wind would move its feathers. A much easier chase than the Michigan bird! For reference, here is a news story about the bird (broadcast 4/16): https://www.krgv.com/news/rare-bird-siting-attracting-bird-watchers-to-mercedes-golf-course?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1-ceW2r-Q6kdA1DFEU8HPvEpVaiwkXBCAN4N9CGDgKNb7zol7mjVgpy-E_aem_AdVsRAaHex4WbkFNYslKDa-Z-djb8snkGPmWtLtCVBMKMfmqKdDCe43eKcdZsAFgUJQSPc3bdqpaHcJ2rUksgXv9 Another story: https://www.chron.com/life/wildlife/article/rare-birds-texas-migration-19407622.php
Технічна інформація
- Модель
- NIKON D500
- 400
- Фокусна відстань
- 500 mm
- Спалах
- Flash did not fire
- f-stop
- f/5.6
- Витримка
- 1/2500 sec
- Розміри
- 1524 pixels x 1016 pixels
- Розмір вихідного файлу
- 336.81 KB