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Rose Ann Rowlett Media from this contributor Профиль
Auto selected -4.14468, -58.76350
Borba, Amazonas, Brazil
Media from this location Иллюстрированный Список Видов- Age and sex
- Взрослый самец - 1
- Поведение
- Foraging or eating
- Голоса
- Позыв
- Воспроизведение
- Playback used
Songs (and some calls) in response to playback of a pair of Harlequin Antbirds at an army ant swarm along the terra firme trail. Background includes: Brown-chested Barbet & Rufous-browed Peppershrike. Recorded with a Sony PCM-D50 and a Sennheiser ME67 directional mic with foam windscreen.
Подробности наблюдения
Pair at ant swarm. Distinctive pale green orbital skin seen well. Only Rhegmatorhina in the area. Lifer for both RAR & REW!
Дополнительные виды
Техническая информация
- Видеокамера
- Sony PCM-D50
- Микрофон
- Sennheiser ME67 directional mic
- Вспомогательная аппаратура
- foam windscreen
- Исходный размер файла
- 4.02 MB