- Idade e sexo
- Macho Adulto - 1
Detalhes da observação
Pair at 9.030336, -11.775133 . The male exhibited shiny black plumage with slight green gloss in some lights, rich brown panel in primaries, whitish bill and pale pink-tinged legs (photographed). The bird's song included distinct Zebra Waxbill notes (sound recorded). The bird seemed materially indistinguishable from a male seen yesterday at Magbolo which we identified as Cameroon Indigobird (based on Firefinch elements in song), though we did not see any gloss on the bird yesterday (though the light was duller). Seems hard to accept that 2 species are involved, but that seems to be the currently accepted taxonomy (i.e. various species only identifiable by vocalisations). Note the West Africa field guide shows Jambunda Indigobird with white legs, though all the photos on Merlin show birds with pinkish legs. Please feel free to contact me if there is an alternative approach to the ID of these birds (my contact details are on my profile page).
Informação técnica
- Modelo
- DSC-RX10M4
- Lente
- 8.8-220mm f/2.4-4.0
- 400
- Distância focal
- 220 mm
- Flash
- Flash did not fire
- f-stop
- f/4.0
- Velocidade do obturador
- 1/1000 sec
- Dimensões
- 2500 pixels x 1876 pixels
- Tamanho original do arquivo
- 1.37 MB