LynnErla Beegle Media from this contributor Profil
Neuse River Trail--Mingo Bridge
Wake, North Carolina, United States
Media from this location Illustrert sjekkliste- Age and sex
- Adult, Unknown sex - X
- Lyder
- Sang
- Lydavspilling
- Playback not used
Brief recording of the odd call of this WEVI. Same bird as recording ML65946591; this one was recorded first.
Very cooperative WEVI perched right next to the big bridge for the Mingo Creek Trail (another hotspot). I made two recordings of the bird. Never saw the WEVI, however, as it was perched in a dense thicket. I didn't want to bait it by playing a recording.
Teknisk informasjon
- Opptaker
- Nikon CoolPix S7000, MOV converted to MP3
- Mikrofon
- Tilbehør
- Original file size
- 96.46 KB