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Kevin Packard Media from this contributor Profil
Danby SF--Michigan Hollow Rd., FLT Creek Area
Tompkins, New York, United States
Media from this location Illustrert sjekkliste- Alder
- Ikke spesifisert
- Kjønn
- Ikke spesifisert
- Lyder
- Lokkelyd; Flight call
- Lydavspilling
- Playback used
Heard jip-jip-jip calls in red pine woods w of the creek. The bird stayed out of sight calling occasionally. Never able to see. Audio recordings. Advised that this is a Type 2 song
Additional species
Teknisk informasjon
- Opptaker
- iPhone
- Mikrofon
- Tilbehør
- Original file size
- 1.99 MB