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Jason Schisler Media from this contributor Profil
Devil's Lake SP--East Bluff Trl and SNA
Sauk, Wisconsin, United States
Media from this location Illustrert sjekkliste- Alder
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Surprising find! Merlin initially reported PIGR at the same time as I was trying to get TOSO recording, so I dismissed it as an outlier, not being directly familiar with calls of either species, but having TOSO in view at the time. As I relocated TOSO (immediately east of Devils Doorway), I noticed several more PIGR sound ID alerts, and then a second bird that I quickly realized was the actual PIGR perched about 20’ away. Good looks and a couple more recordings before bird flew away to the south - away from the bluff. Female/juv, appearing mostly gray from below with yellow-olive on head and portions of back, two white wing bars and stout conical bill. Recoding attached.
Teknisk informasjon
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- Original file size
- 2.84 MB