Jay McGowan Media from this contributor Profil
Sapsucker Woods--Wilson Trail North
Tompkins, New York, United States
Media from this location Illustrert sjekkliste- Age and sex
- Adult, Unknown sex - X
- Lyder
- Lokkelyd; Sang
- Lydavspilling
- Playback not used
Soft song from a bird foraging and moving around close to water under shrubs at pond edge at end of Sherwood Platform.
*Rare in spring and year-round at Sapsucker Woods. Foraging along water's edge under honeysuckle at end of Sherwood Platform. Singing softly for extended bouts, then foraging silently. Photos and audio.
Teknisk informasjon
- Opptaker
- Marantz PMD 661
- Mikrofon
- Sennheiser MKH 20
- Tilbehør
- Telinga 22" Parabola
- Original file size
- 84.5 MB