Wil Hershberger Media from this contributor Profil
Canaan Valley NWR--Freeland Rd. Tract
Tucker, West Virginia, United States
Media from this location Illustrert sjekkliste- Age and sex
- Adult hann - 1
- Lyder
- Lokkelyd; Sang
- Lydavspilling
- Ikke spesifisert
"Adult male Swamp Sparrow singing from perch in a Balsam Fir along the boardwalk. This male Swamp Sparrow was animated as he sang, stretching out his neck, puffing out his throat, and pumping his tail while singing. Probably same bird as in ML 249842. Distance: 6-11 meters. Habitat: Emergent vegetated marsh with wooded and brushy uplands. Equipment note: Telinga Pro 7 HPF on."
Teknisk informasjon
- Opptaker
- Sound Devices 702
- Mikrofon
- Telinga DAT Pro 7
- Tilbehør
- Telinga Parabola
- Katalogisert
- 9 Dec 2019 - Martha Fischer
- Digitalisert
- 9 Dec 2019 - Martha Fischer
- Redigert
- 9 Dec 2019 - Martha Fischer