- Età e sesso
- Juvenile, sesso sconosciuto - 1
- Comportamenti
- In volo
- Suoni
- Richiamo
- Richiamo
- Non specificato
Note contenuto multimediale
NOTES: "Immature calling in flight; copy from orig. recording "2 track@3.75 ins.; Restricted recording-obtain permission from recordist before use. Recorded by Kathy Groschupf; some wind + microphone rattle" (WWHG) [These vocalizations appear to represent the "Pssa" Call of Ellis (1979. Development of behavior in the Golden Eagle. Wildl. Monogr. 709:1-94), summarized by BNA. A relatively similar spectrogram is shown in Figure IV of Cramp et al. (1980. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa: the birds of the Western Palearctic. Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, Oxford), but it would appear that the level was too low to have captured the shrill beginning of each call in the spectrogram. Quality changed from 2-3,2 to 2, 2-1 (BEST part is after 1:35) - CAM - 23 March 2005].
Informazioni tecniche
- Registratore
- Microfono
- Accessori
Informazioni d'archivio
- Catalogato
- 28 Jul 1999 - Geert Dhondt
- Digitalizzato
- 24 May 2000 - Matthew D. Medler