(Ai)Tao Liu Laguntzaile honen media Profila
Hainan, China Kokapen honetako media fitxategiak Ilustratutako zerrendak
- Adina eta sexua
- Eme heldua - 1; Ar heldua - 1
- Portaerak
- Gorteatzea, erakustaldia edo estalketa; Janari bila edo jaten
- Grabaketa
- Erreklamorik gabe
Compilation of 2 recordings (including voice announcements) of a Male displaying while a female foraged. Not too sure if the vocalizations were from the male, the female or both. Would've made longer recordings, but there were other people holding off their photography to let me record, so I had to limit the recording so they could continue taking photos (shoutout to Cheta and Steven for keeping quiet while I recorded).
Espezie gehigarria
Informazio teknikoa
- Grabatzailea
- Marantz PMD661MkII
- Mikrofonoa
- Wildtronics Mono Parabolic Microphone
- Osagarriak
- Wildtronics 22-inch parabola
- Fitxategiaren tamaina originala
- 15.14 MB