Argazkia prozesatzen
Sharon Marcinik Laguntzaile honen media Profila
Churchville Nature Center/Reservoir
Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States
Kokapen honetako media fitxategiak Ilustratutako zerrendak- Adina
- Zehaztu gabea
- Sexua
- Zehaztu gabea
Behaketaren xehetasunak
I saw a Broad-winged hawk then saw two more birds above it. I thought they might also be Broad-wings, but on second look they were not. I took photos of one of them and was thinking Coopers or Sharp-shinned, but others including Bucks Birders are pointing to Harrier.
Informazio teknikoa
- Eredua
- ISOa
- 100
- Distantzia fokala
- 321 mm
- Flasha
- Flash did not fire
- f-stop
- f/6.3
- Obturadorearen abiadura
- 1/800 sec
- Dimentsioak
- 1409 pixels x 1347 pixels
- Fitxategiaren tamaina originala
- 163.12 KB