Andrew Spencer Laguntzaile honen media Profila
Cottonwood Canyon at 37.11489, -103.07882
Baca, Colorado, United States
Kokapen honetako media fitxategiak Ilustratutako zerrendak- Adina eta sexua
- Heldua, sexua ezezaguna - 1; Gaztea, sexu ezezaguna - 1
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- Erreklamorik gabe
Calls from both an adult bird and at least one juvenile high in a cottonwood grove, by a nest. The adult bird is giving a slightly clearer version of the call, while the juvenile's call is a bit raspier. Several feeding events, including at least one where there may have been an unseen second juvenile begging (or at least so it sounds).
Behaketaren xehetasunak
At least. 7 adults, 4 juvies
Informazio teknikoa
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- Fitxategiaren tamaina originala
- 87.48 MB