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Jay McGowan Laguntzaile honen media Profila
Taughannock Falls SP--Gorge Rd.
Tompkins, New York, United States
Kokapen honetako media fitxategiak Ilustratutako zerrendak- Adina eta sexua
- Gaztea, sexu ezezaguna - 1
- Soinuak
- Deia
- Grabaketa
- Erreklamorik gabe
Calls from a juvenile (hatched on the nearby cliff face) perched on a dead tree overhanging the gorge. Second bird calling in the background.
Behaketaren xehetasunak
Continuing juveniles from this year's nest. Two calling along south rim, one perched fairly close to overlook. Third bird heard, likely one of the juveniles but possibly an adult.
Informazio teknikoa
- Grabatzailea
- Sound Devices MixPre-3 II
- Mikrofonoa
- Wildtronics Pro Mono Parabolic Microphone
- Osagarriak
- Wildtronics 22" Parabola
- Fitxategiaren tamaina originala
- 201.39 MB