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Andrea L. Priori Laguntzaile honen media
New York, United States
Kokapen honetako media fitxategiak Ilustratutako zerrendak- Adina
- Zehaztu gabea
- Sexua
- Zehaztu gabea
- Soinuak
- Deia
- Grabaketa
- Zehaztu gabea
- Gatibua
- Gatibua
NOTES: Habitat: captive; Physical Description of Sound: hissing and growling; Apparent Biological Purpose of Sound: self-defence; What Behavior Accompanied Vocalization: fur up on back and tail. head flat on ground front legs spread out. jumped towards me when moved hand on top of cage. he then backed up very fast; Response to Imitation: the Reccoon was in a wire cage outdoors. he made the above recorded sounds as I moved my hand over the top of the cage. I would say his age to be between 10 and 12 weeks;.
Informazio teknikoa
- Grabatzailea
- Mikrofonoa
- Osagarriak
Artxiboko informazioa
- Katalogatuta
- 15 Dec 2005 - Ashik Rahaman
- Digitalizatuta
- 5 Oct 2005 - James Napoli