- Adina eta sexua
- Eme heldua - 1; Ar heldua - 1
- Portaerak
- Gorteatzea, erakustaldia edo estalketa
- Soinuak
- Kantua
- Grabaketa
- Erreklamoa erabili da
NOTES: Male was well seen just before this was recorded while it sat in the open at the top of one meter tall stick, before dropping down and moving about; the female of the pair was seen briefly by Jeremy Minns; the birds were in dense undergrowth along small draw / streambed and they both seemed to be moving about by the time I recorded this cut; although the parabola was initially pointed at the male, it is possible that I may have switched to the female given that both birds were singing; bird on axis seemed to be between eight and 20 meters away in scrubby and relatively dense undergrowth; in response to initial playback by JM, birds approached quietly and rattled a bit (the rattle was somewhat thinner, higher in frequency, and generally less harsh than that of M. ferruginea), before eventually beginning to sing. Response to playback: Approach. Response to playback: Different song. Other Behaviors: Mate, Advertise. Habitat: Evergreen Forest, Creek, Rural, Second-growth.
Espezie gehigarria
Informazio teknikoa
- Grabatzailea
- Mikrofonoa
- Sennheiser ME 64
- Osagarriak
- Roche Parabola 74cm/17.7cm (29.1in/7in)
Artxiboko informazioa
- Katalogatuta
- 25 Nov 2002 - Curtis Marantz
- Digitalizatuta
- 25 Nov 2002 - Martha Fischer
- Editatuta
- 25 Nov 2002 - Martha Fischer