- Edad
- No especificado
- Sexo
- No especificado
Detalles de la observación
Flying along with SHMAs and HOSWs Detailed notes: On the way to Far Pak, we came across a huge party of swifts and martins hawking predominantly consisting of House Martins (Delichon sp.) While we were able to photograph very few individuals, it's best to keep the unidentified individuals as this. But, since there's no option of Blyth's/Pacific (leuconyx/pacificus), will be uploading those here. We saw Blyth's Swifts within the flock but one individual struck out differently. While the first impression was of Blyth's (leuconyx) with the white rump, brown head, and pale throat, the size seemed a bit too large for a normal Blyth's. Though, the throat patch did extend onto the upper breast. Due to the confusion, putting that individual here.
Información técnica
- Model
- NIKON D500
- Lens
- 200.0-500.0 mm f/5.6
- 1000
- Focal length
- 500 mm
- Flash
- Flash did not fire
- f-stop
- f/5.6
- Shutter speed
- 1/8000 sec
- Dimensions
- 862 pixels x 1294 pixels
- Original file size
- 508.34 KB