Andrew Spencer Medien dieser/s Beitragenden Profil
Valle de La Soledad--Camino a La Hediondilla
Galeana, Nuevo León, Mexico
Medien von diesem Ort Illustrierte Checkliste- Alter und Geschlecht
- adultes Männchen - X
Singing from everywhere at dawn, the most common voice by far. One particular patch was amazingly high density, with 6-7 birds all within about 100 feet of each other. I recorded dawn song from five individuals, and day-time song from several more, as well as three call types.
Technische Angaben
- Modell
- Canon EOS 7D Mark II
- Objektiv
- EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM
- 1250
- Brennweite
- 400 mm
- Blitz
- Flash did not fire, auto
- Blende
- f/7.1
- Belichtungszeit
- 1/160 sec
- Abmessungen
- 3246 pixels x 2136 pixels
- Größe der Originaldatei
- 2.05 MB