Benjamin Griffith Média od tohoto přispěvatele
Reserva Biológica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde
Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Média z této lokality Rozšířený seznam druhů- Věk
- Nespecifikováno
- Pohlaví
- Nespecifikováno
Podrobnosti k pozorování
Heard (estimated at 2, but likely several more) near the entrance, a large group of 13 counted as they crossed the Sendero Camino, later coveys of at least 6 (Sendero Roble) and 4 (Sendero Chomogo) which were a bit harder to count as they didn't come out in the open. Video of 8 of the group of 13 crossing the trail, some photos of individuals as well.
Technické informace
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- 63.36 MB