Tom Benson Média od tohoto přispěvatele Profil
CSU San Bernardino
San Bernardino, California, United States
Média z této lokality Rozšířený seznam druhů- Věk a pohlaví
- Neznámý věk, samice - X
Podrobnosti k pozorování
First campus record. Female on the north side of Badger Hill. I first heard the persistent "peek" call coming from an unseen bird, and thought it was likely a woodpecker or thrasher. It didn't sound quite familiar (i.e., any of the species I expected to see here) so I stuck with it. After 10 minutes or so it flew and landed in the open, revealing itself to be a Nuttall's/Ladder-backed type woodpecker. I tried playback of both species and it responded with the descending whinny of a Ladder-backed. I was also able to note the barring extending all the way to the top of the back, and buffy coloration on the under parts, all suggesting Ladder-backed. Also buffy (rather than white) nasal tufts and extensive barring on outer tail feathers.
Technické informace
- Model
- Canon EOS 7D Mark II
- Objektiv
- EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM
- 3200
- Ohnisková vzdálenost
- 321 mm
- Blesk
- Flash did not fire, auto
- Clonové číslo
- f/5.6
- Expoziční čas
- 1/5000 sec
- Rozměry
- 1655 pixels x 1970 pixels
- Původní velikost souboru
- 1.58 MB