- Age
- Not specified
- Sex
- Not specified
- Playback
- Playback not used
Media notes
NOTES: [The following notes are written at the top of the first data sheet for this species: "In view of some doubt about the identification of this group of toucans, the recordings here filed should not be considered as identified beyond all doubt. I notice some differences among the various cuts which may have more significance than merely individual variation. Cuts #6 [sic] [blank space here] would seem almost surely top be of R. tucanus as it was the mosts common song and R. tucanus was the only Ramphastos collected in the area. Unfortunately I was not able to collect any of the birds recorded. 8/26 '65 PAS" "14/VII/71 PAS I think there is no doubt that all these recordings are of R. tucanus. With my greater experience now, the only form that could be involved other than R. tucanus would be aurantiirostris and I feel quite sure that is only a color variation of R. tucanus. So far I have never been able to find this form and thus believe it to be a very rare variant." Neotropical Institute Cut # 13. Bulk reel: 253 Several birds heard. There were many birds present and this may be a kind of conflict situation. Quality: 1. Level: +5. Note: Through Cut 13) all recordings are no doubtedly of R. t. tucanus, based on geography.
Technical information
- Recorder
- Microphone
- Electro-Voice 650
- Accessories
- Parabola 91.4cm (36in)
Archival information
- Cataloged
- 20 Nov 2002 - Annette Nadeau
- Digitized
- 10 Jul 2009 - David McCartt