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Konshau Duman Media from this contributor Profile
National Forest Development Road 14, Camp Sherman, Oregon, US (44.464, -121.635)
Jefferson, Oregon, United States
Media from this location Illustrated Checklist- Age and sex
- Unknown age, Male - 1
- Sounds
- Call
- Playback
- Playback not used
Media notes
Toop calls of the male from Nest5 immediately before he fed the female on the nest. This is part of a long (maybe 15 minutes) bout of tooping. Rrecorded at 8:13.
Observation details
One nest found in incubation stage (female type unknown) and another nest being built by female. One red male carrying a pine needle was odd.
Technical information
- Recorder
- Microphone
- Accessories
- Original file size
- 3.05 MB