- Age and sex
- Adult Male - 1
- Sounds
- Song
- Playback
- Playback not used
Media notes
NOTES: dawn +0.0hrs; species cut number 27 BNA: Song is heard ("chee-whee, whit, wher'r'r'r", "cha, cha, cha, or chee cha cher'r'r'r'r chee." CZ 18/03/2004. [One-hundred and twenty-seven songs, apparently representing five different song-types. For the first 0:47, the bird alternates between two different song-types, before switching to a third type at 0:51, a fourth type at 0:54, and then a fifth type at 1:00. The bird then alternates between these latter two types for the remainder of the recording. This bird also seems to give the first few elements of one or another of its song-types wihtout completing the song (e.g., 7:32-7:43), something that appears to be relatively typical of this species. Quality unchanged (1 - maybe 1-2 in places, but generally very good) - CAM - 10 February 2005]. Number of individuals=AU100+;. Other Behaviors: Advertise. Habitat: Park/Campus/Cemetery, Desert, Scrub, Sand.
Technical information
- Recorder
- Microphone
- Sennheiser MKH 106T
- Accessories
- Roche Parabola 74cm/17.7cm (29.1in/7in)
Archival information
- Cataloged
- 1 Jul 2000 - David Lauten
- Digitized
- 19 Mar 2004 - Claudia Zan
- Edited
- 1 Dec 1990 - Steven R. Pantle