- Age and sex
- Adult, Unknown sex - 1
- Sounds
- Call
- Playback
- Playback used
Media notes
NOTES: (Third Recordist: Marion Dorman. Breeding Status: Unknown. Behav. Context: Anxiety, distress. Frequency of Sound: Agitated. Gen. Climate: Dry. Cover Density: Medium.) Pygmy Owl call by Mike [Braun?}. Bird called spontaneously but responded to Pygmy Owl call with distress and agitation; second Bridled Titmouses arrived on scene (not taped) and behaved equally agitated and anxious appearing. See also 401-2. [260 High pass on copy.] [Approximately 75 examples of the "Chick-a-dee" Call of BNA (it is unclear in places whether series broken by short gaps represent a single or multiple calls). Most series include A, B, and C-notes, but many contain exclusively C-notes. Quality changed from 3 to 2-3 (approaching 2 - hiss or crackle is a bit much but otherwise not too bad) - CAM - 1 April 2005]. Response to playback: Different song. Other Behaviors: Emit Alarm. Habitat: Forest, Evergreen Forest, Deciduous Forest, Thicket/Brush.
Technical information
- Recorder
- Microphone
- Accessories
Archival information
- Cataloged
- 12 Dec 2001 - Annette Nadeau
- Digitized
- 18 May 2005 - Martha Fischer
- Edited
- 14 Jun 1989 - Thomas Paolangeli