Processing photo
Mikko Pyhälä Media from this contributor Profile
Ulaanbaatar (47.9228, 106.905)
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Media from this location Illustrated Checklist- Age and sex
- Adult, Unknown sex - 1
Media notes
Lateral view of adult on ground. Photographed at riverine forest by Tuul river W near Ulaanbaatar. Elevation: 1318 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
Observation details
IBC scientific name: Corvus corone orientalis.
Internet Bird Collection (IBC)
Technical information
- Model
- Canon EOS 7D Mark II
- Lens
- EF400mm f/5.6L USM
- 1250
- Focal length
- 400 mm
- Flash
- Flash did not fire, auto
- f-stop
- f/5.6
- Shutter speed
- 1/800 sec
- Dimensions
- 1920 pixels x 1280 pixels
- Original file size
- 640 KB