Matthew D. Medler Media from this contributor Profile
7:47 AM
Shindagin Hollow SF; Shindagin Hollow Rd.
Tompkins, New York, United States
Media from this location Illustrated Checklist- Age and sex
- Adult, Unknown sex - 1
- Sounds
- Call
- Playback
- Playback not used
Media notes
At least three distinctly different call types are heard in this recording. These calls might have been given in response to my presence, but there was also a forest raptor (likely Buteo platypterus or B. linearis) in the area, so the calls might have been in response to the raptor's presence. Other Behaviors: Emit Alarm. Habitat: Deciduous Forest.
Technical information
- Recorder
- Microphone
- Sennheiser MKH 20
- Accessories
- Telinga Parabola 54.7cm/15.5cm (21.5in/6.1in)
Archival information
- Cataloged
- 25 Jun 2012 - Matthew D. Medler
- Digitized
- 25 Jun 2012 - Matthew D. Medler
- Edited
- 25 Jun 2012 - Matthew D. Medler