- 年齡
- 未確定
- 性別
- 未確定
Continuing, large shrike pale gray with thinner black mask than LOSH, longer bill, faint barring on breast and belly, pale lores, white outer edge to black tail, white wing patches. Moving between willows and grassland on the far E end of V St, closer to Samoa.
- 型號
- iPhone 13 mini
- 鏡頭
- iPhone 13 mini back dual wide camera 5.1mm f/1.6
- 50
- 焦距
- 5.1 mm
- 閃光
- Flash did not fire
- 光圈值
- f/1.6
- 快門
- 1/718 sec
- 次方
- 1303 pixels x 1303 pixels
- 原始檔案大小
- 327.39 KB