Curtis Marantz Media from this contributor
Projeto de Assentimento Puxurizal
Amazonas, Brazil
Media from this location Иллюстрированный Список Видов- Age and sex
- Adult, Unknown sex - 1
- Голоса
- Песня
- Воспроизведение
- Playback not used
NOTES: Unseen bird was apparently 40 meters away and 30 meters up in a dead tree at the edge of tall terra firme forest near the end of the forest along the right fork of the second spur (ramal) road in the INCRA project; low clouds lifting off trees somewhat, calm, 80¡ F. ML: Subject changed from recordist's original identification of Ramphastos tucanus cuvieri to Ramphastos tucanus to conform to eBird Taxonomy (v. 1.55). -Jay McGowan/Matt Medler, July 2015. Other Behaviors: Advertise. Habitat: Rainforest, Evergreen Forest, Second-growth, Scrub.
Дополнительные виды
Техническая информация
- Видеокамера
- NAGRA 4.2
- Микрофон
- Sennheiser MKH 20
- Вспомогательная аппаратура
- Roche Parabola 74cm/17.7cm (29.1in/7in)
Архивная информация
- Занесено в каталог
- 6 Dec 2005 - Curtis Marantz
- Оцифровано
- 6 Dec 2005 - Mike Andersen
- Отредактировано
- 6 Dec 2005 - Mike Andersen