Adrian Hinkle Media from this contributor Profil
Miner Hole Rd.
Mendocino, California, United States
Media from this location Illustrert sjekkliste- Age and sex
- Adult hann - 1
- Lyder
- Lokkelyd
- Lydavspilling
- Playback not used
Calling from willow thicket. About halfway down Miner Hole Road, maybe 50m past where the trail first enters through a short section with complete canopy.
Adult male. First heard and recorded chip note, then saw: bright yellow warbler at mid and lower level in willows, full black hood with yellow face, prominent dark eye, dark bill, greenish upperparts, obvious white flashes on tail edges. About halfway down trail on left, just after the place where there is a short section of canopy over the trail.
Teknisk informasjon
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- Original file size
- 5.25 MB