LynnErla Beegle Laguntzaile honen media Profila
Neuse River Trail--Mingo Bridge
Wake, North Carolina, United States
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Recorded at 10 am at mile-marker 15-3/4 just south of the New Bern Avenue traffic bridge. The LOWA responded to a taped recording of SWWA (Swainson's Warbler). Long song, 3 sets in 18 seconds
Behaketaren xehetasunak
Responded to playback of a SWWA, unusual song, but definitely a LOWA. , recorded the song. Just south of the New Bern car bridge and mile marker 15 3/4, next to an "Adopt... Neuse River Greenway Trail" sign
Informazio teknikoa
- Grabatzailea
- Nikon CoolPix S7000, MOV to WAV by
- Mikrofonoa
- Osagarriak
- Fitxategiaren tamaina originala
- 3.46 MB