Alix d'Entremont Laguntzaile honen media Profila
Whitehead Island
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Kokapen honetako media fitxategiak Ilustratutako zerrendak- Adina
- Zehaztu gabea
- Sexua
- Zehaztu gabea
- Portaerak
- Hegan
Behaketaren xehetasunak
**MEGA** 2nd record for Nova Scotia. First was in Glace Bay 9 June 2000. First noted with BBPLs on a high point on the island near the lighthouse. Flew north to northern bar, then kept flying north towards Pumpkin Island. Boated to Pumpkin Island and couldn't relocate.
Espezie gehigarria
Informazio teknikoa
- Eredua
- NIKON D7000
- Lentea(k)
- 300.0 mm f/4.0
- ISOa
- 800
- Distantzia fokala
- 300 mm
- Flasha
- Flash did not fire, auto
- f-stop
- f/5.0
- Obturadorearen abiadura
- 1/1250 sec
- Dimentsioak
- 846 pixels x 476 pixels
- Fitxategiaren tamaina originala
- 125.75 KB