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Wil Hershberger Media from this contributor Profile
5:20 AM
Adamstown; Lilypons Water Gardens
Frederick, Maryland, United States
Media from this location Illustrated Checklist- Age and sex
- Adult Male - 1
- Sounds
- Song
- Playback
- Playback not used
Media notes
NOTES: Sony TCD-D10 ProII HPF on, -20 dB pad on. Long cut containing many good imitation examples: Northern Cardinal, Willow Flycatcher, Loggerhead Shrike, American Robin, and Purple Martin. Also jump flight vocals at 42'28" LNS: Additional species imitated in this recording include: American Goldfinch, Carolina Wren, Red-headed Woodpecker, Blue Jay, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Eastern Phoebe, Eastern Kingbird, Tufted Titmouse, Eastern Meadowlark, House Sparrow, Eastern Bluebird, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, White-breasted Nuthatch, Northern Flicker, European Starling, Red-winged Blackbird, and White-eyed Vireo. -Matt Medler, 2 March 2011. Other Behaviors: Advertise. Habitat: Rural, Fallow Agricultural, Yard, Hedgerow.
Technical information
- Recorder
- Microphone
- Sennheiser ME 62
- Accessories
- Roche Parabola 74cm/17.7cm (29.1in/7in)
Archival information
- Cataloged
- 17 Jan 1998 - Martha Fischer
- Digitized
- 16 Mar 2001 - Martha Fischer
- Edited
- 17 Jan 1998 - Martha Fischer