- Age and sex
- Adult, Unknown sex - 2
- Behaviors
- Courtship, display, or copulation
- Sounds
- Song
- Playback
- Playback not used
Media notes
NOTES: (Visual Display: Actively chasing. Gen. Climate: Dry. Cover Density: Thick.) [Distorted.] [This recording begins with 30 examples of the "whit-wheet" call of BNA (though somtimes with one or three elements), these followed by a soft 'cherr-it" call that is unlike anything described in BNA (0:355, 0:38-0:455 (6-7), 0:475, 0:485, 0:50, 0:525, 0:535, 0:565, 0:585, 1:005, 1:04-1:06, and scattered through latter part of recording. It is unclear to me whether the more buzzy "bzeet" vocalizations (usually doubled) at 0:43, 0:48, 0:54, 1:01, and 1:065 are yet another undescribed call or a song fragment. Following the announcement, the vocalizations are more "free form" suggesting whisper song. Quality changed from 3 to 3, 2 (most calls given before 0:27 are overloaded and there is an an odd humm almost throughout, especially in last part) - CAM - 3 November 2005]. Other Behaviors: Advertise, Perform Visual Display. Habitat: Creek, Riparian, Thicket/Brush, Edge.
Technical information
- Recorder
- Microphone
- Accessories
- Dan Gibson Parabola 45.7cm/11cm (18in/4.3in)
Archival information
- Cataloged
- 13 Dec 2001 - Annette Nadeau
- Digitized
- 23 Jan 2004 - Claudia Zan
- Edited
- 19 Jun 1989 - Thomas Paolangeli