Matthew D. Medler Media from this contributor Profile
Finger Lakes NF--Horton Pasture and Interloken Trail
Seneca, New York, United States
Media from this location Illustrated Checklist- Age and sex
- Adult Male - 1
- Sounds
- Call
- Playback
- Playback not used
Media notes
Recorded at 1950. This adult male was one of three individuals that remained in the area, acting territorial and agitated, after the large flock moved on.
Observation details
Count of perched birds in field. Nearly all of the birds appeared to be in a loose flock, but there were at least three adult males that appeared territorial and agitated.
Technical information
- Recorder
- Sound Devices MixPre-3
- Microphone
- Telinga Pro 6
- Accessories
- Telinga 22" parabola
- Original file size
- 10.23 MB