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Gerrit Vyn Media from this contributor Profile
6:05 AM
Ramirez Ranch (N of Roma)
Starr, Texas, United States
Media from this location Illustrated Checklist- Age and sex
- Adult Male - 1
- Sounds
- Call; Song
- Playback
- Playback not used
Media notes
NOTES: Bird was singing this sporadic from brush pile pre-dawn. 'whit-wheet' calls also heard. ML: Subject changed from recordist's original identification of Toxostoma curvirostre oberholseri to Toxostoma curvirostre [curvirostre Group] to conform to eBird Taxonomy (v. 1.55). -Jay McGowan/Matt Medler, July 2015. Other Behaviors: Advertise.
Technical information
- Recorder
- Microphone
- Sennheiser MKH 20
- Accessories
- Telinga Parabola 54.7cm/15.5cm (21.5in/6.1in)
Archival information
- Cataloged
- 9 Aug 2006 - Gerrit Vyn
- Digitized
- 8 Aug 2006 - Mike Andersen
- Edited
- 9 Aug 2006 - Mike Andersen